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Babylon 5 Video Clips

Last modified on 09.10.2002 14:00
Unseen Video Clips My Favourite Trailers My Favourite Video Clips

All of these video clips are from ISN web-page (which was shut down) unless otherwise noted. Those are 160x120 or 128x96 @ 15 fps MOV's compressed with Cinepak codec. So, they could be bigger and better quality.

The rest have been captured by me. Almost all of them are 352 x 288 @ 24 fps MPEG's with (originally) 44khz 16bit stereo sounds. They are much more good-looking and sounding. I have also included snapshots of the video clips - to see the quality and size - which can be accessed via clicking MPEG under the clip in question.

If you have ideas about excellent scenes you'd like to see captured or thought which ISN movies should be included, drop me a note and we'll see.

Unseen Video Clips

The Coming of Shadows
G'Kar and Londo Toast the Centauri Emperor (AVI, 1.20MB, 21s)
G'Kar, "I never thought I'd be saying this, Mollari, but.. to the health of your Emperor.. and perhaps.. to your health as well."
Londo, "To the emperor.. And thank you."

G'Kar Contemplates Killing the Centauri Emperor (AVI, 1.89MB, 31s)
G'Kar, "Future now consists of only three probabilities. In the moment that I strike, the emperor and I will both die. Or he will die and I'll spend my life in prison. Or I will fail and be killed. The first time in my life the path is clear."

Londo Tells Vir to Find Mr. Morden (AVI, 2.46MB, 42s)
Londo, "Find Mr. Morden."
Vir, "Londo, don't do this."
Londo, "I have no choice."
Vir, "Yes, you do. Londo, please, please, please, I know you don't listen to me, but I'm asking you just this one time. Don't do this. There is no turning back once you start down that road."
Londo, "Do I have to go find him myself?"
Vir, "No.. No, I'll go. I'll go and I'll bring him back. And someday, I'll remind you of this conversation, and maybe then, then you understand."
Londo, "I understand .. just fine."

Matters of Honor
Londo Speaks of His Dream of the Shadows (MOV, 2.47MB, 41s)
Londo, "I'm standing.. somewhere, on Centauri Prime, I think. And umm.. I'm looking up. And there are ships, just like this, passing.. overhead. Those are few, and then more. A thousand. Two thousand. So many that they blot out the sun. A terrible sight."

There are several unseen movies recorded by me which are also my favourites. You'll find them under that section.

Severed Dreams (1)
Severed Dreams (2)
War Without End, Part 1
War Without End, Part 2
Z'ha'dum (1)
Z'ha'dum (2)
In the Beginning

My Favourite Trailers

In the Beginning
What Do You Know About a Race called.. Minbari? (MPEG, 8.0MB, 1min 34s)

This In the Beginning trailer does not spoil the actual series, but naturally acts as a major teaser for the movie.

Notes: This can also be found on several original 4th season VHS tapes. This is 240x180 @ 30 fps.

My Favourite Video Clips (with reasons for that)

Season 1: And the Sky Was Full of Stars, Babylon Squared
Season 2: In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum, The Long, Twilight Struggle
Season 3: Messages from Earth, Severed Dreams, Interludes and Examinations, War Without End, Part 1, War Without End, Part 2, Z'ha'dum
Season 4: Into the Fire, Rumours, Bargains and Lies

And the Sky Was Full of Stars
Battle of the Line (MOV, 13.1MB, 1min 37s)
Reasons: An excellent mix of stunning music (get it from here) and a very dramatic scene. Your heart will skip a beat or two while watching this!

Sinclair, "Pull out! Pull out! Alpha seven."
Mitchell, "He's gone. Picking up enemy transmitions."
Sinclair, "Stay in formation, hold the line. No one gets through no matter what."
Mitchell, "Understood. Alpha Leader, you have a Minbari on your tail. I'm on him, targeting fighter. Go!"
Sinclair, "Mitchell stay in formation. It might be a... (sees Minbari fleet) Oh my God! It's a trap! Mitchell!"
Mitchell, "I've got a clear shot I can take him, I can take him."
Sinclair, "Break off!"
Mitchell, "I'm hit, ejecting. Aaaaaaaaa.." (watches his squadron being shot down, then is hit himself)
Computer, "Aft stabilizers hit. Weapon systems at zero. Defensive grid at zero. Power plant near critical mass..."
Sinclair, "Not like this. Not like this. If I'm going out I'm taking you bastards with me. Target main cruiser. Set for full velocity ram. After-burners on my mark. Mark. Uuugh..." (Sinclair's starfury heads for a Minbari cruiser and then is halted by a Minbari tractor beam)

Babylon Squared
Fasten, Then Zip (MOV, 10.0MB, 1min 14s)
Reasons: very, very funny conversation; two different kind of personalities at their best.

Garibaldi, "Mind if I ask you a question?"
Sinclair, "Sure."
Garibaldi, " Ok, it's morning. You're getting ready to go to work. You pull on your pants. Do you Fasten then zip or zip then fasten?"
Sinclair, "What kind of question is that?"
Garibaldi, "Well look, we've got two hours to kill."
Sinclair, "Forget it."
Garibaldi, "It's just a question."
Sinclair, "Why do you want to know?"
Garibaldi, "Why do I want to know? Because I think of these things sometimes. I was getting dressed this morning and for a second I couldn't remember which I did first. So, I started thinking about it. Does everybody do it the same way? Is it a left handed/right handed thing?"
Sinclair, "Do you think about this stuff a lot?"
Garibaldi, "Yeah. Look, OK, I'm sorry I asked. You're always so serious all the time. Not every conversation has to be the end of the world as we know it."
Sinclair, "I didn't mean to-"
Garibaldi, " No, nevermind, it's OK. I'll just watch my console. Don't worry about it."
Sinclair (Sighs), "fasten then zip, you?"
Garibaldi, "Fasten zip."
Sinclair, "How much longer?"
Garibaldi, "One hour, fifty-seven minutes. Wanna talk socks?"
Sinclair, "No."
Garibaldi, "It was just a question."
Sinclair, "I'm not having this conversation."

In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum
Z'ha'dum (MOV, 7.93MB, 58s)
Reasons: The fate of Icarus revealed, the first glance at Z'ha'dum and the Shadows.

Kosh, "Sheridan, learn."
Delenn, "Icarus, your wife's ship sent to investigate the ruins of an ancient race no one has ever heard of before."
Kosh, "Z'ha'dum."

Vir Tells Morden What He Wants (MOV, 6.49MB, 48s)
Reasons: extremely funny scene; Vir being the first guy to openly disapprove of Morden's Associates.
Morden, "What do you want?"
Vir, " I'd like to live just long enough to be there when they cut off your head and stick it on a pike as a warning to the next ten generations that some favors come with too high of a price. I want to look up at your lifeless eyes and wave like this" (waves in Morden's face). "Can you and your associates arrange that for me Mr. Morden?"
Morden, "Here's the information Ambassador Mollari asked for. Give it to him when he arrives. You can go now."
Vir (gets up and walks off, stops and turns back)., "Mr. Morden!" (waves at Morden then turns and leaves).

The Long, Twilight Struggle
Bombing the Narns Back to the Stone Age (MOV, 7.54MB, 58s)
Reasons: Heart-stopping music (get it from here) combined with a very dramatic scene. The look on Londo's face (notice him gulp a few times!) as his connections with Morden's associates brings the Narn homeworld into ruin with outlawed mass drivers.

Londo, (watches in silence as the Narn homeworld is being destroyed).

Messages from Earth
The White Star Taking On a Shadow Ship (MOV, 16.4MB, 1 min 24s)
Reasons: Very interesting theme for the entire episode, Sheridan et al resisting the Shadows openly for the first time. Watch Delenn's emotions on her face, especially when going into Jupiter. Background music is also stunning (get parts of it from here).

Delenn, "This is what I was afraid of - the merging was not handled properly. The ship is out of control, insane. It will destroy anything in it's path."
Sheridan, "Then we've got to stop it before anyone else gets here. Engines at maximum, standby weapon system, prepare to fire."
Delenn, "John if it's confused, disoriented we may have a chance. It's a small one."
Sheridan, "It's still a lot more than an Earth cruiser will have against that thing. Fire!"
Sheridan, "Damage to the ship?"
Lennier, "Negligible."
Sheridan, "Full power to forward batteries. One focused burst. Fire!"
Lennier, "Minimal effect. Captain it's weapons are at full strength. If it hits us dead on we cannot survive the blast."
Sheridan, "That's all right, that is ALL right. I did what I needed to do. I got it mad enough to follow us. Redirect power to engines, come about."
Lennier, "Course?"
Sheridan, "Jupiter. We're goin' inside. If we can't out fight it let's hope we can out think it. "

Severed Dreams
We Couldn't Take Much More (MPEG, 4.9MB, 29s)
Reasons: A very dramatic scene, Clark's reinforcements arriving unexpected. Note Corwin's voice, and Sheridan's very distressed feelings; All his dreams, torn asunder.

Corwin, "EVA teams en route. It's a good thing this stopped when it did. We couldn't take much more."
Corwin, (Computer beeps) "Oh no."
Cpt. Drake, "This is Captain Drake to Babylon 5. You are ordered to surrender and prepare to be boarded by order of President Clark."
Corwin, "Captain. Jump points forming right on top of us."
Sheridan, "How many?"
Corwin, "Four."

Severed Dreams
Breaching Pod at Brown 95 (MPEG, 7.7MB, 46s)
Reasons: Dream-like battle sequence with very good funeral-ish background music.

Garibaldi, "Lets go!"

Interludes and Examinations

Nothing to Lose (MOV, 14.7MB, 54s)
Reasons: When Sheridan gets angry no one is safe.. And that cost Kosh his life. In a way, marks the turning point in the Vorlon-Shadow-B5 -relations.

Sheridan, "You angry now? Angry enough to kill me? Because that's the only way I'm leaving. Unless your people get off their encountersuited butts and do something, I've got nothing to lose. Hell, my own government wants to kill me. And if we lose this war I'm just as dead. Our only chance is to get the other races on board for this fight. And right now you're the key to doing that."
Kosh, "It is not yet time."
Sheridan, "And who decides that time? You?!? You put me in this position. You asked me to fight this damn war! Well, it's about time you let me fight it my way!"
Sheridan, (Kosh tries to walk away) "How many people have already died fighting this war of yours, huh? How many more will die before you come down off that mountain and get involved? Ships, colonies, whole worlds are being destroyed out there and you do nothing!"

War Without End, Part 1

We Are Under Attack (MPEG, 7.8MB, 47s)
Reasons: A very intense scene with terrific music; Always-so-calm Ivanova cracking under pressure.

Ivanova, "Can anyone help us? This is Commander Susan Ivanova of Babylon 5. To any ships in grid Epsilon. We are under attack. I repeat, we are under attack. The captain is dead, defense grid is down, they are boarding us, they are coming in all over the place. We've tried to evacuate as many as we can, and Garibaldi has rigged the fusion reactor, but.. my God, here they come. Switch to external cameras. They've got weapons lock. Here comes. Here comes!"

War Without End, Part 2

Legacy of Your War (MPEG, 5.3MB, 31s)
Reasons: Sheridan's breathtaking trip to the future: Centauri Prime on fire; What went wrong?

Londo, "There is the legacy of your war. The price we paid, when you abandoned us to the enemies you escaped from."
Sheridan, "But this couldn't happen, not in this amount of time. What year is this?"
Londo, "This is the last year, and the last day, and the last hour of your life. Seventeen years since you began your great crusade. Seventeen!"


To Stay Alive (MPEG, 11.0MB, 1min 6s)
Reasons: Nice music, emotional scene. The destiny of Centauri Prime pops up again.

Sheridan, "Delenn, by the time you get this message I will be at Z'ha'dum, with Anna. I can pretty much guess your reaction when you hear this, but I think this is the only way. When you and I were in the time rift with Babylon 4, for a moment, I jumped forward in time. We'd won the war but Centauri Prime had been devastated. You said this future could not be changed. You also told me:"
Delenn, "Do not go to Z'ha'dum. Do you understand? Do not go to Z'ha'dum." (Sheridan arghs in pain)
Sheridan, "I began to wonder.. what if that future happened because I listened to your warning and did not go to Z'ha'dum. What if.. what if I could prevent the fall of Centauri Prime and end the Shadow War by going there. What I want, is to stay alive, to be with you. You were right before, this is about more than what I want, so I'm going even though I know it's almost certainly a trap."


Goodbye (MPEG, 26.1MB, 2min 37s)
Reasons: Great music, superb ending for the third season. Sheridan using his ace in the hole, Anna slowly walking towards Sheridan as the Shadows materialize, Sheridan's last message to Delenn.

White Star, (Sheridan arrives at the shaft, sets White Star to crash on Zhadum) "Thermal fusion system armed for detonation."
Anna, "John, there's nowhere to run. Come back inside, we can work this out."
Anna, (White Star speeds towards the surface) "I know this isn't the Anna that you knew. What I am is what was made in her, a new personality. She can never come back, but I can love you as well as she did."
Sheridan, (In his message to Delenn) "Finally, I heard what you said when I left. And I want you to know, I love you Delenn. Good-bye."
Kosh, (White Star is closing the distance fast) "Jump. Jump, now!"
Anna, (Sheridan jumps, White Star explodes) "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah..."

Into the Fire

Londo vs Morden, Part 1 (MOV, 13.1MB, 1min 36s)
Londo vs Morden, Part 2 (MOV, 16.3MB, 2min 1s) Note: the videos aren't as good quality as these images
Reasons: Londo deals with Morden at last. The look on Morden's face on several occasions: the mention of planetkillers, the death of the Shadows, triggering the bombs, taking him out to a cell. Also, Morden's threat/promise to Londo.. was this what we saw in War Without End?

Londo, "A-a-a-a-h, Mr. Morden. I see they found you. Good, good. You're looking well. All healed now, I take it?"
Morden, "I'm fine. What the hell is going on Mollari?"
Londo, "A number of Vorlon ships are on their way here, accompanied by one of their planetkillers. They will arrive in a matter of hours. They have been wiping out any colony, world, or outpost where your.. associates have influence. Cartagia gave your associates the island of Selini as a base for their ships. Now that Cartagia is dead, I am ordering you to remove those ships at once."
Morden, "There are 3 billion people here. The Vorlons would never attack a civilian population that big. The ships stay."
Londo, "You're afraid, aren't you? They're afraid. And speaking of your associates, we must make sure that we can talk privately. Do not move."
Londo, (Guards shoot the Shadows surrounding Morden) "Well, we'll have to have that painted over I suppose."

Morden, "You're insane."
Londo, " On any other day, Mr. Morden, you would be wrong. Today, today is a very different day. One last time, remove your ships."
Morden, "No. You don't frighten me Mollari. If you try to attack our forces you'll lose."
Londo, "Yes. Your ships are very impressive in the air or in space, but at this moment they are on the ground."
Morden, "Fine, they're on the ground. But they can sense an approaching ship miles away. So what are you going to do Mollari, blow up the island?"
Londo, "Actually, now that you mention it."
Morden, (Londo triggers the bombs) "No-o-o-o-o!"
Londo, "I had most of our people evacuated from Selini during the night. A few stayed to mantain the illusion of our presence. They knew what was being asked of them. I would have preferred another way, hoped that you would be reasonable, but... Take him to a cell. Keep him there."
Morden, "You just made a mistake Londo. Even if my associates lose this war they have allies. They'll make sure Centauri Prime pays the price for what you've done here today."
Londo, "What I have done. Oh Mr. Morden, I have not even started with you yet."

Rumours, Bargains and Lies

Trust Me, This Is Gonna Be Great (MOV, 11.8MB, 1min 27s)
Reasons: A good example of a new kind of humour we have been seeing since Epiphanies.

Sheridan, (keeps laughing for no apparent reason)
Ivanova, "Is there something you'd like to share with the rest of the group?"
Sheridan, (sobers up) "Huh? Ah, No. No, no, no, no."
Ivanova, "Anyway. I hate to have to go through this again, but I think we should start with it"
Sheridan, "That's it! I got it! Ha! It'll work. If we try to talk the other races into letting our ships operate along their borders, it's gonna be nothing but grief. Hell, it took months to pull them together last time, and that was with the Shadows breathing down our necks. I don't want to go through that again any more than you. I'm tired of doing things the hard way, there is an easier way to convince them."
Marcus, "And how do we do that?"
Sheridan, (slams the table with his fist) "By not convincing them! Listen. Marcus, after you've finished your breakfast, I want you to take three White Stars off to sector 7 and wait for orders."
Marcus, "What do you want me to do?"
Sheridan, "I don't know yet, but trust me, this is gonna be great!" (leaves, laughing)
Ivanova, (goes over and sniffs Sheridan's mug) "Just checking.."
Franklin, "Heh, if this is the way he is after Delenn has been gone for three days, I don't even wanna know what he's gonna to be like after another week."

More to come as more episodes are shown in Finland - the next one might be from In the Beginning or a late/early 4th/5th Season episode.

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